Group members

Academic staff

Tom Bridgeland

Interests: Mirror Symmetry, Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, Hall Algebras

Contact: Personal website,, room J18b

Biography: Tom learnt his trade in Edinburgh before moving to Sheffield in 2004. He spent the years 2011 and 2012 as a Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford.

Andrea Brini

Interests: Topological Strings, Mirror Symmetry, Gromov-Witten theory, Integrable Systems

Contact: Personal website,, room J21

Biography: Andrea got his PhD at SISSA in 2009 and spent time as a postdoc in Geneva and Imperial College in 2009-12. He obtained a CNRS permanent research position in 2013, and held visiting research positions at Imperial College (2016-18) and MSRI Berkeley (2018), followed by an academic post in Birmingham in 2018/19. He joined the University of Sheffield in 2019.

Marco Fazzi

Interests: Superconformal Field Theories, Dualities, Geometrical aspects of AdS/CFT, D-brane dynamics, K-stability, Matrix Factorisations

Contact:, room J10

Biography: Marco got his PhD at ULB Brussels in 2016. He was a postdoc at the Technion (2016-2019), a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Milano-Bicocca (2019-2022), and finally a postdoc at Uppsala University (2022-2023), holding visiting positions at UC Santa Barbara, Weizmann Institute, SISSA Trieste, and Nordita. He joined the University of Sheffield in 2024. 

Paul Johnson

Interests: Gromov-Witten theory, Orbifolds, Hilbert schemes, Partitions

Contact: Personal website,, room J06b

Biography: Paul initially completed his undergraduate at the University of Chicago. Following this he obtained his master’s at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and PhD at the University of Michigan under Yongbin Ruan. He then held various postdoctoral positions at Princeton, Imperial College London and Columbia University. He was associate professor at Colorado State University for one year before moving to the University of Sheffield.

Cheuk Yu Mak

Interests: Symplectic topology, Fukaya category, mirror symmetry, low dimensional topology, Hamiltonian dynamics 

Contact:, room K10

Biography: Cheuk Yu Mak obtained his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Minnesota in 2016. Subsequently, he worked at the Institute for Advance Study (2016-2017), University of Cambridge (2017-2020), Edinburgh (2020-2022) and Southampton (2022-2024) before joining Sheffield in 2024.

Cristina Manolache

Interests: Moduli spaces, Gromov-Witten theory

Contact:, room J23

Biography: Cristina got her PhD at SISSA, Trieste and following this, she held postdoctoral positions at Humboldt Berlin and at Imperial College London. She came to the University of Sheffield as a senior lecturer in 2019.

Evgeny Shinder

Interests: Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves, Grothendieck Group of Varieties

Contact: Personal website,, room J24

Biography: Evgeny defended his PhD at Northwestern University under Andrei Suslin. Afterwards he was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, University of Bonn, the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics and the University of Mainz. In 2013-14 he was a Whittaker postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, before coming to Sheffield as a lecturer in 2014.


Fabrizio Del Monte

Interests: Integrable Systems, String Theory, Stability Conditions and BPS states, Conformal Field Theory 

Contact: Personal website,, room K16

Biography: Fabrizio got his PhD from SISSA, Italy, in 2020 under the supervision of Giulio Bonelli and Alessandro Tanzini. Following this, he was a CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal, before moving to the University of Sheffield in 2023 as a postdoctoral fellow. 

Luca Giovenzana

Interests: K3 surfaces, Hyperkähler manifolds, Mirror Symmetry, K-stability 

Contact: Personal website,, room K29

Biography: Luca got his PhD in Chemnitz under the supervision of Christian Lehn in 2021. Afterwards he was a Postdoc at Loughborough University before joining the University of Sheffield as a postdoctoral fellow in 2023. 

Julia Schneider

Interests: Groups of birational transformations, birational geometry over non-closed fields 

Contact: Personal website,, room H11

Biography: Before coming to Sheffield for a short postdoc in 2024, Julia has already collected some postdocs: she was at the University of Zurich, at EPFL in Lausanne, and at the University of Toulouse. She got her PhD in Basel under the supervision of Jérémy Blanc in 2020.

Ivan Tulli

Interests: Hyperkähler and quaternionic-Kähler geometries, twistor spaces, stability conditions and BPS states, string theory, resurgence, Higgs bundles 

Contact: Personal website,, room K16

Biography: Ivan got his PhD in 2020 at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, under the supervision of Andrew Neitzke. He then held a Cluster of Excellence: Quantum Universe postdoctoral position at the University of Hamburg, before starting in 2023 his current postdoctoral position at the University of Sheffield.

PhD students

Kuba Krawczyk

Supervisor: Marco Fazzi

Interests: Strings, AdS/CFT and Black Holes, Noncommutative Geometry, Geometrical and Categorical Structures in Physics 

Contact:, room J14b 

Biography: Before joining Sheffield, Kuba completed his BSc at the University of Warsaw and MSc in Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam. 

Jingxiang Ma

Supervisor: Andrea Brini

Interests: Gromov-Witten theory, Mirror Symmetry, Birational Algebraic Geometry

Contact:, room J14b

Biography: Jingxiang obtained his bachelor's and master's degree at Peking University, China. He then moved to Sheffield to start his PhD.

Robert Rogers

Supervisor: Cristina Manolache

Interests: Moduli spaces, Enumerative Geometry, GIT 

Contact:, Room J14b 

Biography: Robert completed his Integrated Master's degree at the University of Warwick before moving to Sheffield for his PhD. 

Haoran Shi

Supervisor: Cheuk Yu Mak

Interests: Symplectic topology, symplectic cohomology, Fukaya category. 

Contact:, Room J25-7 

Biography: Haoran completed his Master’s degree at Beijing Normal University. Then, he moved to the University of Sheffield for his PhD. 

Keith Worden

Supervisor: Cristina Manolache

Interests: Enumerative Geometry, Nonlinear Dynamics, Theoretical Physics 


Biography: Started off as a theoretical physist aeons ago with a degree from York University. Moved into field of structural dyamics and currently spending most of his time doing various flavours of machine learning. 

Menelaos Zikidis

Supervisor: Tom Bridgeland

Interests: Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Non-Abelian Hodge Theory, Bridgeland Stability Structures, Mirror Symmetry, DT-Theory.

Contact: Personal website,, room J14a

Biography: Menelaos completed his masters and undergraduate studies in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Heidelberg. He then joined the University of Sheffield for his PhD.

Former members

Meet the former members of our group.