Research interests
Mathematical structures of quantum field theory and string theory
Mirror symmetry, Bridgeland stability conditions, D-brane dynamics
Hall algebras and Donaldson-Thomas theory
Topological field and string theory, geometrical aspects of string dualities
Black hole microstates enumeration, localisation in AdS/CFT
Relations to integrable systems
Complex algebraic geometry and applications
Enumerative invariants; moduli spaces of curves, and allied enumerative theories
Homological algebra, geometry and K-theory of singularities
Derived categories and Grothendieck ring of varieties
Noncommutative crepant resolutions, matrix factorisations
Relations to combinatorics
Recent research grants (2010--)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EPSRC Standard Grant Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants, 2022-26 (PI: Tom Bridgeland, total value £615,457)
EPSRC Programme Grant Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra And Geometry Through Moduli, Stability And Deformations, 2018-25 (PI: Iain Gordon (Edinburgh); Sheffield co-I: Tom Bridgeland; total value £2,716,102)
EPSRC Fellowship Grant Mirror symmetry, quantum curves, and integrable systems, 2018-24 (PI: Andrea Brini; total value £975,192)
EPSRC Standard Grant Derived categories and K-theory of singularities, 2020-23 (PI: Evgeny Shinder, total value £332,778)
EPSRC Programme Grant Motivic invariants and categorification, 2011-18 (PI: Dominic Joyce (Oxford); Sheffield co-I: Tom Bridgeland; total value £1,859,687)
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Interactions between Moduli Spaces, Non-Commutative Algebra, and Deformation Theory, 2015-18 (PI: Joe Karmazyn, total value £222,476)
EPSRC Standard Grant Stability conditions and hypermultiplet space, 2010-13 (PI: Tom Bridgeland, total value £252,146)
European Commission
ERC Consolidator Grant Motivic invariants in birational geometry, 2024-29 (PI: Evgeny Shinder, total value €1,999,340)
ERC Advanced Grant Stability conditions, Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster varieties, 2015-21 (PI: Tom Bridgeland, total value €1,556,550)
Royal Society
RS Research Professorship Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants, 2021-26, PI: Tom Bridgeland
RS Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship Virtual calculus, 2014-2022, PI: Cristina Manolache